MY LIFE | My Thoughts on 50 Shades of Grey

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I should start off by saying that I'm writing this post as somebody who has read all three books and seen the movie. I will continue by saying I didn't like the books at all, particularly the first guess what? I thought the movie was awful too. For more than one reason!

My issue with the first book was that I felt it had no story to it, especially in comparison to the second and third instalments. So naturally, this lack of story transpired on screen. I also had serious issues with Anastasia's "Yes Christian, I love Christian, where do you want me Christian?" attitude - she had no back bone. I am by no means a feminist but I am a woman and I didn't like how weakly she was portrayed in the book. She is an educated woman and for the sake of other women reading, I just got very frustrated.

There must be millions of reviews of the movie online so instead of going in to huge detail, I'm going to mention what stood out to me.

Firstly, the whole movie felt so rushed to me. So many scenes felt incomplete or that they ended abruptly. Now I don't remember the book (I read it in 2012) in great detail but I definitely felt like the movie left more story to be told. It frustrated me how everything seemed rushed and incomplete, but it still went on for over 2 hours.

I'm really sorry, but Jamie Dornan is not Christian Grey. I don't know who I would have rather seen play him but Dornan was not it. His performance, to me, lacked personality. His Irish accept kept peeking through and at times I wasn't sure if I was listening to a British, Irish or American accent. and I get it, but if you know you're the star of the most anticipated film of the 21st century, you would be with your dialect coach from morning until night. Maybe it was part of the appeal, I don't know. Also, you know I'm not one to body-shame but if you choose to play Christian Grey you have to be open to criticism. I was seriously disappointed with Dornan's athleticism. He had an incredibly muscular back - which I was a fan of ;) - but other than that I found him quite skinny!

The best part of the entire movie for me was Dakota Johnson. She played the role of Anastasia really well and I think she took it further than the book and really showed someone who is not submissive in every single sense of the word. She was funny, she was bold and she had a character - unlike the Ana in the book.

The sex scenes for me were largely irrelevant. It's 50 Shades, they were inevitable, but I still stand by my statement that if they weren't included the book would have probably never been published for lack of story. The whole concept just infuriates me. From what I've read on other reviews, the movie did not accurately portray a BDSM lifestyle and this has concerned quite a few people. Now I don't know about that but it's just Ana's lack of ability to stand up for herself until right at the very end that drives me crazy. And don't get me started on those ripped jeans. The whole story is so backwards in so many ways. This is 2015. Women don't need saving by the likes of men like Christian Grey any more. I think it all would be a lot better, more relatable and less Mills & Boone if Christian wasn't a multi-bajillionare. The status that this gives him over Ana just infuriates me. It's not needed.

I couldn't write this post without noting my disappointment that Jennifer Ehle was involved!! Ehle plays Anastasia's mother but to me she will ALWAYS be Elizabeth Bennett from the BBC's Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth! As a life long Pride and Prejudice fan, this just made me upset.

And I'm not going even going to take about the lack of shaved legs.

BUT: I am a big fan of the soundtrack!! Annie Lennox's "I Put a Spell On You" is breathtaking and I really like Ellie Goulding's "Love Me Like You Do" (and I'm normally not a fan of her music), despite the fact it doesn't really fit in with the movie at all. And as for!

What do you think? Have you seen the movie? If you couldn't tell, the whole thing just infuriates me. As I mentioned, the second and third books are much better in terms of a storyline, so there is hope for the franchise yet. Whether or not I'll watch them...I'm undecided.

Love Always,


  1. Thanks God, someone who thinks the same thing of me. I've always thought that the book would have never been published if it wasn't for the sex. I have noticed too the lack of a real story behind it

    1. I know!! I was honestly reading the book and watching the movie thinking - when is this going to be over! At least with the book you could kind of see haha!


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