FITNESS | Where To Begin? 7 Healthy Swaps For Everyone

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It sounds simple, but everybody needs to start somewhere. The tips in this post are some you will have inevitably heard before. That's not to say that they're not important, or that they shouldn't be incorporated in to everybody's daily routine. The tips and healthy swaps below are guaranteed to help with weight loss, aid in achieving great nutrition and a leaner, more happier you! Who doesn't want that for summer?

Have a Water Bottle Nearby, And Use It! 

My first tip when it comes to health and fitness will always be to drink plenty of water. My best tip to make sure you do this is to have a reusable bottle nearby and fill it up as soon as it's empty. If I have a water bottle next to me on my desk I find I pick it up and drink some because it's there and my water intake dramatically increases. Not only will your skin improve, being properly hydrated also increases your metabolism - assisting in weight loss.

Not a fan of water? Check out these ideas from Lauren Conrad for fun ways to flavour your water. 

Take the Stairs

It's so simple, but where possible take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator. Am I telling you to climb down and up all thirteen flights of stairs to your apartment or office? No! But maybe take the elevator to the fifth floor and walk the rest - you'll be amazed at the difference this makes. Stair climbing is one of the best ways to improve fitness and build that booty ;)

Baked Tortillas, not Crisps

Chips and dips are one of my biggest weaknesses. A great alternative without all of the fat content is to bake tortillas! Cut a tortilla up in to triangles (or whatever shape you like, of course!), spray with a little bit of non-stick (or use 1tbsp of olive oil), season however you like and bake for 5-10 minutes. You get that same crunch without all of the calories! 

Turkey, not Beef or Lamb

Turkey is the leanest (and also one of the cheapest!) meat you can get. It's naturally low in fat and high in protein making it a great substitute for red meats. Ground/Minced Turkey is a great swaps for dishes like chilli or for making burgers. 

Zoodles, not Pasta

Zoodles, or courgetti is a great and fun way to lower your carbohydrate intake. Wholemeal pasta is great but if you're looking for a much leaner alternative, get yourself a Spiralizer or a julienne peeler and some courgettes! Inspiralized is a great website if you're looking for recipes! 

Evening Walks

Now that the weather is (hopefully!) getting warmer and lighter, it's a great idea to take yourself and your loved ones on a walk in the evenings! Being active for that extra 20 minutes, or whatever it may be will not only burn more calories, but you'll feel refreshed and much better for it. 

Green Tea, not Coffee

At about 3pm, I get the urge for a hot drink. Instead of reaching for the coffee in the afternoon, I make myself a cup of Green Tea instead! Green Tea boosts your metabolism which means your body is burning more calories. It's also virtually caffeine-free so it's much more afternoon friendly. Personally, I also find it really refreshing! Am I giving up coffee? Absolutely not, but I find I really look forward to my afternoon tea too! 

These are just some of the ways you can start living a more healthy lifestyle. These are all easy changes you can make to begin to see a difference! 

Have I missed anything out? What are some of the swaps you have made towards a more healthy lifestyle?

Love Always,


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