FITNESS | 5 Ways to Become a Morning Person

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I've got to admit, I'm a self-proclaimed morning person. Just ask my boyfriend, I'm always dragging him out of bed 95% of the time because I just cant stand to lay there and do nothing - I want to get up and moving. The tips in this post will help you get there too! Whether it's to get up earlier to work out, to get to work or if you just want to get up and get your day started.

1) Set Your Alarm - EARLIER than you need to! 

Do not give yourself the bare minimum time you need to get out of the door - the longer you have to wake up, the better you will feel. For me, an hour and a half is enough time to not rush. 

DO NOT hit the Snooze button - it's your worst enemy. When your alarm goes off, get up and get moving. Turn it off and leave the room - start your day. If you've given yourself enough time to get ready you will not need the extra ten minutes - you will feel awake before you leave. 

2) MOVE your Alarm

Put your alarm somewhere so you need to move to turn it off and by move (I'm sorry!) I mean get out of bed. Put it across the room so you need to get out of bed, or at the very least sit up and stretch to turn it off. 

3) TRICK your Brain! 

I use my iPhone as an alarm, and I use the same ringtone for when I get a call as my alarm. That way, when my brain hears it, it thinks I'm getting a call. I'll automatically be more alert and go to 'answer' it. 

4) REWARD Yourself! 

In part of getting out of bed and getting moving, have something to look forward to when you get out of bed. For me, it's my morning coffee. Head straight downstairs and make a cup or if your coffee machine has the auto setting, set it for just before your alarm and it will be there by the time you get downstairs! 

Coffee not your vice? Give yourself time to watch your favourite morning show or catch up on your favourite blog. 


There is nothing worse than a manic scramble in the morning. Being disorganised is a failsafe way to hate the mornings. Get everything you need for the day the night before; have your work clothes out, or at least have an outfit planned. Have your lunch packed and your bag ready. Everything you need for the day should be ready to go.

If you're working out, know exactly what workout you're going to do. If it's at home, have the DVD in the drive. If you're going to the gym (huge respect!) have your bag packed and a plan ready. 

Those are my best tips for getting out the door on time and enjoying the mornings at the same time! If you follow these your mornings will be a lot less stressful and you won't dread them! I'm going to be honest too - being a morning person is pretty cool - you get some mad bragging rights ;)

Love Always,


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